Usually, we think of the New Moon as the only time for creating beautiful things in our lives. Yet, the full moon's energy is potent, especially when manifesting our dreams and heart's deepest desires. The problem with such high power is that it can get out of hand and make us feel anxious, irritated, and rushed. So let us harness the intense lunar vibrations and use them to experience peace & joy.

When we are under the influence of the New Moon, we may feel lethargic and ungrounded. Sometimes, we may experience great sadness and grief–know that the desire to get rid of these feelings is normal; however, they are part of the journey. To make space for healing, allow the discomfort to sink in as there is a message in it, often a lesson. Learning to accept and love the raw edges of our being is crucial for a healthy mindset. Remember, we are both; light and darkness. The "lack of motivation" is just a call from your soul to retreat and reflect. Instead of fretting, ask yourself: How am I neglecting myself? How can I nourish my soul? These lunar yoga classes will help you utilize the moon phases' energy qualities to relax, let go of what does not serve you anymore, and manifest.