Staying still in restorative yoga poses presents a unique set of challenges despite the practice's gentle appearance. Remaining motionless for extended periods can be difficult due to physical discomforts, mental restlessness, or emotional resistance. Our bodies, accustomed to constant movement and stimulation, may initially resist this stillness, manifesting as an urge to adjust our position, fidget, or even exit the pose early. Similarly, our minds, often in a state of perpetual activity, may struggle to settle, with thoughts, plans, and worries continuing to circulate.

However, it is within this stillness that restorative yoga wields its profound effects on the nervous system. By maintaining poses for longer durations, the body is given the opportunity to enter a deep state of relaxation, signalling the parasympathetic nervous system—the body's rest and digest response—to engage. This shift away from the sympathetic nervous system's fight-or-flight mode reduces stress hormones, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and promotes deeper, more restorative breathing.

The stillness of restorative yoga counterbalances our often hectic and overstimulated lives, providing a rare opportunity for the body and mind to rest deeply. This intentional pause allows for significant changes within the nervous system, reducing stress, enhancing mood, and a greater sense of calm and well-being. As challenging as achieving and maintaining this stillness may be, its benefits are a powerful testament to the practice's therapeutic potential.

Restorative yoga is a soothing practice in which we hold poses for several breaths to reconnect with the Earth. If you enjoy yoga's metaphysical side, this class is for you. If you give yourself permission to pause and observe, you will dive into the depths of the mind and explore the subtle energies that run through you. This class will allow you to train your mind to be still. 

For these sessions, we utilize blankets, pillows, and a strap to find ease and support your body while you reach deep levels of relaxation, clearing the mind and recharging your energy. This meditative class can also help you deal with injuries, chronic pain, depression, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, and brain fog. You will learn different breathing techniques and hand symbols (mudras) to release stagnant energy, release your muscles, reset your mind, and connect with the divine light.